Deep Dark Mire (An FBI Romance Thriller ~ book four) Read online

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  “I feel threatened by your words, Director.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “If I have to waste time, and I end up finding that Cordelia Adare is dead, I’m calling in my entire tech team and anyone I can get on a jet and into this town. I will make sure you have so many headaches that you don’t get to ‘go on down to the fishin’ hole’ for a month.”

  The man bristled.

  “Now, do we play nice and I get the official missing person report, or do I dig up the muck in your lovely town of Cypress Grove?”

  The man began laughing. “Cypress Grove is a giant swamp. It’s going to take you months to comb it to find a body, if she’s dead. Good luck and we’ll see how long this takes you.” Now he turned and walked away laughing. “Stupid broad, probably slept her way to the top to be boss,” he muttered under his breath.

  Callen flinched and moved forward. He was going to rip the man’s internal organs out through his face. The last sheriff who called Elizabeth names had his teeth punched out. Whitefox wasn’t above a repeat performance.

  “It’s okay, Cal. I generally get the last laugh, and Sheriff Donut Eater is going to regret not playing nice.”

  “Can I hurt him later?”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Absolutely.”

  Both agents strolled right back out of the office and towards their Escalade. Tucked beneath the windshield wiper was an envelope. They looked around and saw only one person anywhere near the outside of the building. It was Jonathan Delray, and he tipped his hat and walked back inside.

  Elizabeth picked it up and hopped into the vehicle. On the front it was addressed to ‘Agent Sexy’.

  “God, for once I hope someone is talking about you,” snickered Whitefox.

  Elizabeth laughed and grabbed a pair of rubber gloves from behind the seat. Carefully opening it up, she looked inside. “Well lookee here, Cal. We got ourselves an unofficial, bootleg copy of the missing person report.”

  “I guess sexy has its advantage.” Right now he was highly amused. Then he pulled out a notepad and scribbled something on it.

  “What are you writing down?” She tried to look over his shoulder. Finally she succeeded. “Why are you keeping a list of men’s names?”

  “Ethan told me to keep track of all the men he might have to kill when he got here, and I just put the deputy on the list, right beneath Julian Littlemoon.”

  Elizabeth just stared at him.

  “Hungry, Lyzee?” he asked, as if he didn’t just do something completely insane.

  “What am I going to do with you?” she asked, rhetorically.

  Callen just grinned and drove out of the parking lot to find them something to eat, because answering that question would take too long.

  * * *

  Desdemona parked her car in front of the bed and breakfast and glanced around. She didn’t see the big black Escalade, but she figured she’d stop in and see if they were staying there. Really there were only a few places to stay in Cypress Grove. This was the nicest one and she doubted that Ethan Blackhawk would let his wife stay in a dump.

  Entering the establishment, she looked around until she saw a woman cleaning up the breakfast service.

  “Yes, can I help you?” she asked, walking out of the dining room towards her.

  “Yes, I’m wondering if my friends are staying here. Callen Whitefox? He’s a very large Native American man and is probably with a woman, gorgeous, blue eyes and black hair.”

  “Oh, you mean the Blackhawks? Yes, they’re staying in the Rose room. What a really nice couple. They checked in yesterday and so very much in love. They’re always making out and being super affectionate.”

  Desdemona felt like she was sucker punched right in the chest. “I’m sorry?”

  “They are always holding hands and kissing. So sweet when two people belong together, and they find each other. Are you Desdemona?”

  She was caught off guard by the question. “Yes I am.”

  “They left you a note when they went out to see the sights. They were sorry they missed you.” The woman handed it to her and smiled.

  “Thank you so much,” she said, taking it and walking out of the building. Her heart was aching in her chest, and she felt like she was going to throw up. They were kissing and holding hands? She climbed into the Mercedes and pulled out the note and opened it.


  Julian Littlemoon is in town, he’ll find your

  sister. We’re working the town today

  and trying to find a last location. We’ll swing by tonight

  to see you. Try and keep your grandmother from shooting

  us. Text me if you need me.

  Director Blackhawk

  Something inside her fell apart as she read the message. There was no warmth. No friendship and certainly no love lost. It was day two, and they were making it perfectly clear how they both felt about her.

  Callen hadn’t called at all today or so much as sent a text, but then again why would he? He was holding hands and making out with Elizabeth. This was her worst nightmare, and she’d caused it by running here. Coming back to Cypress Grove had done the opposite of what she intended.

  Not only had she lost the man she loved, but her only friend was treating her like shit now too. This was a great way to start the day. As she drove away the only thing that kept playing over and over in her head was what the woman at the bed and breakfast said.

  ‘They are so very much in love.’

  The tears started, and they wouldn’t stop. This was all such a mess, and she’d created it herself. Seeing the liquor store, she decided to stop in for some wine. She really needed a drink, and if there was any day to have one, it was today.

  * * *

  Ethan called his father and checked up on his son. If he was too much trouble, he’d come pick him up and bring him to the office. He could do his reports and manage a baby. After all, he had Ginny out in the lobby who would love to babysit for a little while.

  When he got through to his father, he didn’t sound right. “What’s wrong, Dad?” he asked, feeling a bit panicked. Maybe the man wasn’t up to watching a three month old.

  “Timothy isn't looking well this morning, and he won’t let me call Doctor Wolman.”

  Blackhawk didn’t know if he should be nervous or not. “If he isn't better in a couple of hours, call me and I’ll bring the doctor myself. Can I talk to him?”

  “He’s asleep, want me to wake him?”

  “No, that’s okay. Call me later, Dad. If the baby is too much, I can come get CJ.” He didn’t want his father to be overburdened.

  Wyler Blackhawk protested. “No son, CJ is keeping me company. We’re making a present for mommy for her bookshelf. I felt compelled to carve her a raven.”

  Blackhawk smiled at how much his father was attached to both his son and wife. “I’m sure she’ll love it. Thanks Dad. If you need anything call me. I’m fifteen minutes away.”

  “I will son. How is Elizabeth and Callen doing? Are they safe?” He was worried about both of them while they were across the country.

  “She’s hanging in there. I keep getting texts asking how CJ is doing. I think she’s worried he’ll forget her if she’s away too long. It’s a mother thing and baby separation anxiety at its finest. If she calls, Dad, don’t tell her about granddad. She’s dealing with a lot out there in the swamp. I don’t want her to get distracted.”

  “I won’t son.”

  Ethan disconnected the call and stared at his wall. Something bad was coming, he could feel it. So much was brewing in his mind. He was worried about healing his brother, his son, his grandfather, and his wife. The tension headache was pretty wicked, and for the first time that he could remember, he popped Tylenol and hoped for the best outcome.

  Only he wasn’t feeling it deep in his gut, at all.

  ~ Chapter Five ~

  Saturday Afternoon

  Callen and Elizabeth sat outside in the sunshine at the coffee shop having lunch. Cypress Grove was
limited on food selections, and they decided on sandwiches and iced tea while they discussed the options at hand.

  “The missing person report isn't really going to help us much. The woman didn’t have a job, so no one really ‘missed’ her. We can’t pinpoint her last place, or last day unless we get a witness that comes forward to help us out.”

  “So what do we do next?” asked Callen, sipping his tea.

  “I want to search her room.”

  “You think the old lady is going to allow us, or are we going to be held at gunpoint.”

  Elizabeth snickered. “I should be fine. It’s you Indians she dislikes,” she said, elbowing him and laughing.

  “Nice one.” He offered her a fist bump and then looked around. “Have you noticed that everyone is staring at us?” Every single person, who walked by them, glanced over. He protectively moved closer to Elizabeth and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

  Elizabeth had noticed. When they took their seats on the stone wall outside the coffee shop, she wanted to observe the people in the town. Instead they were the ones being watched. “It’s probably that piece of spinach, from your sandwich, in your teeth,” she quipped, and then laughed when he actually took his sunglasses off his face to look in the reflective surface.

  He dropped his arm over her shoulder and whispered in her ear. “I’m going to so get even with you for that one. You won’t know when or how,” he threatened, menacingly.

  Elizabeth waited until he was done and whispered back, “Go for it, Cal. I’m faster than you,” and with that she jumped off the wall and raced for the Escalade.

  Callen laughed and ran after her. When he caught her he threw her over his shoulder and carried her to the vehicle while she was laughing and hanging over his back.

  She slapped him on his ass, since it was right there.

  When he finally dropped her to her feet, he grinned at her. “I should have made a bet on that one.” He helped her up into the Escalade, looking around and feeling eyes on him and Elizabeth. No one looked out of place.

  He shrugged, getting into the driver’s side and pulled away. No, he was absolutely certain that they were being watched. There was no doubt in his mind. Callen made a mental note to keep Elizabeth even closer, just in case.

  Desdemona watched them from the window of the liquor store. The loving whispers, the tuck of her hair, and then chasing her and throwing her over his shoulder as he carried Elizabeth to the big black Escalade. Her heart broke even more. It was like he was completely over her and forgot she even existed.

  This was the proof she needed. He didn’t look like an engaged man pining over his fiancée. What he resembled was a happy man in the midst of a romance. Never once in their time together had he carried her over his shoulder like that.

  Now she wanted to be sick, and instead of going to find him and talk, she did the next best thing. Desdemona turned around and bought two more bottles of wine. It just went from a bad day to a horrible day.

  But at least she knew the truth.

  Not only was Callen in love with Elizabeth, but they were obviously having an affair.

  * * *

  Saturday Late Afternoon

  Ethan showered in the gym at the FBI West building and changed into a pair of jeans and t-shirt. Technically he was off duty, but he really needed to get the diary pages transmitted, and then call his father again.

  There was a little voice in the back of his head that was nagging him to death, and he felt compelled to listen. Walking up from the gym, he pulled out his phone and called his father one more time.

  Just to be sure, and then put it to rest.

  On the third ring he answered. “Ethan I was just about to call you. Timothy isn't doing so well. You better get Doc Wolman and get here as soon as possible.”

  Everything in Ethan went ice cold. The man who raised him was sick. At eighty nine years old there were good days and bad days, but for his dad to sound this panicked, it had to be bad.

  “I’ll get him, Dad, and I’ll be on my way.” Ethan Blackhawk ran to his office and grabbed his keys. At the last minute he grabbed the copies of the journal, shoving them in his messenger bag. Running out he stopped at Ginny’s desk. “I'm leaving for a while. If Elizabeth or Callen calls here for me, patch them through, okay?”

  “Okay Boss!” She watched him race to the elevator.

  Blackhawk began thinking the minute he hit the car about what life could be like without his granddad. The man raised him from childhood. He built the tree house with him, tossed his ass in jail when he needed it, and accepted his wife when he came home. If he wasn’t doing well, he was going to have a rough time adjusting to going to the reservation. Yes, his father and he were on better terms and building their relationship back, but the man who raised him was his father too.

  Blackhawk drove like a maniac to the Rez. He had the foresight to take a Denali, so he could use the lights and sirens to get everyone out of his way. There was this feeling of urgency building inside that getting there was the utmost priority. Everything felt off balance at that moment in his life. Ethan pulled the vehicle to a stop in front of Doctor Wolman’s house and charged up the steps. Ethan banged on the door, and the man came running.

  “Granddad isn't doing well,” he said. “I need you to come now, Doc!”

  “Certainly, Ethan!” He reached into the door for his medical kit and ran down the stairs after him.

  “What are his symptoms?” he asked, after buckling in and holding on as Ethan Blackhawk tore away, lights back on as he flew through the roads of the Rez.

  Blackhawk remembered driving like he was now, as a kid in his granddad’s truck. Then he was reckless, and now he drove like a maniac because the man he loved wasn’t doing well. “My dad just called me at the office and said to get you and come quick. What was wrong with Timothy when you examined him?”

  Doctor Wolman looked over at the man, surprised that he wasn’t aware. “Timothy didn’t talk to all of you?”

  Blackhawk glanced over quickly. “No Doc, we didn’t hear anything. What the fuck is wrong with him?” Now his temper was coming to the surface. He wanted the damn truth.

  “I examined Timothy in my office about six months ago, and told him the bad news. He has congestive heart failure.”

  Blackhawk felt his eyes fill with tears, and he fought hard to not start weeping and kill them while driving this fast.

  “He didn’t tell us.”

  Doctor Wolman touched his shoulder and patted it in sympathy. “It was right before you had your child. He probably didn’t want to ruin the joy of the baby’s birth. He did it to keep the sadness away,” he said, softly. “Timothy is a proud warrior, son. You know that the last thing he’d want is months and months of you four clucking over him.”

  Ethan felt everything in him run ice cold. He knew there was no long term cure for congestive heart failure, and this was the day he dreaded all his life.

  “I’ll check him out and see if we can give him some medication. Then we’ll go from there. Hang in there, Ethan. We’ll take good care of Timothy. I promise to make him comfortable.”

  Blackhawk didn’t want to hang in there, all he wanted was to cry and surround himself with his wife and brother.

  Right now he needed his family.

  More than anything in the world.

  * * *

  Pulling up to Morgana Adare’s house, Elizabeth was filled with that awareness that something potentially volatile was going on, and she was immediately on alert. There was laughter and noise from the back yard, and it didn’t put her at ease.

  “What do you think is happening?” asked Whitefox. “It sounds like a party. Maybe we should come back later,” he suggested. Alcohol fueled parties generally didn’t end well when the law showed up.

  “Let’s go to the front door and maybe we can avoid it.” Then they each clipped on their guns, and knocked at the door, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. They were met by Morgana Adare.r />
  “Ms. Adare, we’d like to check Cordelia’s room to see if we can find anything to lead us to our next step.” Elizabeth crossed her fingers and prayed she’d let them in.

  “Okay, I don’t know what you expect to find, but help yourselves. Do you want me to get Desdemona? She brought home some school acquaintances, and they’re out back getting reunited.”

  Yeah, neither of them wanted any part of that.

  “No we’d prefer to avoid it. She sounds pretty stirred up and that’s just going to be a bad thing.” Elizabeth followed the woman into the room and turned on the light. It was a small room and it shouldn’t take long.

  “Thank you, Ms. Adare,” said Whitefox, as he began looking in the dresser drawers. When the woman walked away, he started talking to Elizabeth. “I found sexy underwear. Isn't that a sign of a woman dating someone?”

  “Yes, but it seems odd that no boyfriend or lover came forward.” Elizabeth looked over. “You’d think that whoever was having a relationship with her would be concerned that she was gone.”

  “Unless they were guilty.” Whitefox grabbed a box and opened it. “Movie tickets, love notes, and other girl shit.”

  Elizabeth pointed to the crate on the bed. “Drop it in there. We’ll take it back to the bed and breakfast and go over it later. I want to sweep and run. I have a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, and when that happens bad shit goes down.”

  “Great Saturday night date, Lyzee,” he said, snickering. “I’m raiding a stranger’s panty drawer and there’s the possibility of it really getting ugly. I can call it a day right after this.”

  She snickered and then paused. “Cal, look.”

  Whitefox knew that tone in her voice. With a tissue she reached into the trash can beside the bed and pulled something out.”