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Deep Dark Mire (An FBI Romance Thriller ~ book four) Page 6

  “Go on, head on out to the house. I’m sure your grand'mere is torn up about all this.”

  Desdemona hugged her old high school acquaintance. “I’ll see you later, Jonathan, and thank you for offering to help me find my sister.”

  He nodded, watching her climb back into the Mercedes. As soon as she pulled away his heart pounded in his chest. Jonathan Delray was sick to his stomach over the entire thing, and there were plenty of good reasons for that.

  * * *

  The ride back to the development that they all called home was a silent one. Little CJ was asleep in his car seat in the back, and Callen stared silently out the window, lost deep in his thoughts. Elizabeth reached over and took his hand in hers, and immediately they twined fingers, like they always did.

  It was just their thing and probably always would be. They didn’t know why it happened or where it came from, but it just seemed comfortable between them.

  “Want to talk about it?” she prodded, breaking the silence to pull him out of the funk, he was drowning in helplessly.

  Callen didn’t know how much to tell her. It wasn’t fair that he dumped all his emotional baggage all over Elizabeth, all the time.

  “Cal, you know you can come to me anytime. That’s why I’m here.” Elizabeth was the keeper of all his secrets, good, bad and scary.

  “I know, Lyzee. I just think I fucked everything up this time.” No, not think. He was pretty damn sure it was all falling through his fingers like sand at the beach.

  Elizabeth hated to see him this miserable, and she felt partially to blame. Maybe there was something she could have done differently to help them both through the issues that were obviously going on behind closed doors. She felt the tension and she could have intervened sooner.

  “I don’t think Desdemona wants to marry me anymore.”

  Elizabeth listened and just continued to hold his hand securely in hers, linking them together.

  “Whenever I bring up the wedding, she pushes back that I’m rushing her. That she isn't ready, or any other excuse that she can toss out there. I don’t think she’s happy with our arrangement.”

  “Has she said that to you, Cal?” Elizabeth pulled into the road leading to her house.

  “No, but you know how you say go with your gut?”

  “Yes.” Elizabeth was a big believer in gut instinct, and it saved hers and the Blackhawk men’s lives many times.

  “My gut says something is very wrong.”

  Elizabeth pulled into the driveway and put the SUV into park. “Cal, then we’ll work through this together, okay? Your brother and I are willing to do whatever it takes to help you out with this. If you want some time away, come crash here. You know you’re welcome. Move in with us, and we’ll keep you safe while you navigate whatever is eating away at your heart.”

  He nodded. “I’m going to go see if Desdemona’s home. I’ll ask her what’s going on and talk to you later,” he said, hopping out of the SUV and pausing. “I love you.”

  Elizabeth was a little surprised that he didn’t look over at her. “I love you too, Callen.” Then she watched him jog around the side of their house to get to the one he shared with Desdemona. All the muscles in her stomach knotted tightly. None of this sat well. Lifting her son out of the SUV, Elizabeth took him inside to place him in his crib and finish his nap. Elizabeth knew she’d be pacing until she heard from him, and Callen confirmed everything was fine.

  Or so she hoped, but again she too was going with her gut instinct, and it wasn’t boding well for what she believed was coming for them all.

  Whitefox entered the house, shutting off the alarm and dropped his keys on the table in the living room. Everything looked in place, and he calmed down immediately. Part of him expected to enter the house to find it torn apart in a struggle, and Desdemona dead or gone. Maybe it was his overactive imagination, or maybe it was just the fact he knew that the stalker was crazy. He’d already blown up an FBI vehicle, and then went off the grid, like he knew they’d catch him if he kept it up.

  Running up to their bedroom, he saw the closet open, and clothes lying on the bed. That definitely wasn’t right. He looked inside and one of the suitcases Desdemona owned, the one covered in skulls, was absent from its normal spot. Now his heart began pounding in his chest. Back down the stairs he ran, sliding down the mahogany banister and landing at the base of the stairs looking around.

  The kitchen!

  Callen raced through the doorway and found a note lying on the counter. Pulling it open he read it three times before the anger grabbed him and shook him violently.


  If you're reading this you came home early. I got a call

  from my grand'mere that my sister is missing. I had to

  catch a flight back home to help find her. I know you’re

  going to be pissed, but I had to help my family.

  I’m sorry and don’t be too mad.


  Too mad? Oh there weren’t words to express how angry he was over the entire situation. The one thing he asked her to not do was go back to Cypress Grove. Not because he was being bossy or controlling, but because the stalker specifically ordered her to return. That meant one thing, she was a target, and now if her sister was missing, it was even worse.

  His heart ached as the woman he planned on marrying had broken the only promise he ever asked of her, and to make it worse, she didn’t take the protection that was available to her. Any of the Blackhawk family would have talked her out of it, or gone with her to help her find her sister. Yet, she chose to lie about being sick and sneak off behind their backs.

  Mad wasn’t the word for it at all. Furious was a better choice at this point or betrayed. That word fit the bill accurately.

  Now, he needed to have a plan, and although he didn’t know what to do, he knew who would. Locking up the house, Callen headed back to his brother’s home to confer with Elizabeth. Right now, he needed her calm, rational mind while he was all stormy and ready to explode.

  When he got his hands on Desdemona, he was going to drag her back there and there was going to be one hell of a battle between them. No, that wasn’t true. Battle didn’t explain what was coming.

  Nuclear explosion with casualties was more like it.

  Just by running towards the stalker, she was risking her neck, and anyone who chased after her. To him, a promise was very important, especially if it was the only one you ever were asked to keep.

  Callen used the code to access the back yard and rushed towards the house. The backdoor was unlocked, and Elizabeth was pacing the floor worriedly.

  “Is she okay?”

  He handed her the note and watched her face as she read it.

  Elizabeth scanned the paper and grabbed her cell phone, dialing Wyler’s number. When he answered on the third ring, she quickly spoke into the phone. “Dad, can you come over and take care of CJ?”

  “I can sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “Something’s come up here, and I need you as quickly as possible.”

  Wyler could hear the tension in her voice. Normally Elizabeth offered calm and peace, but she was stirred up big time. “Give me ten minutes. Do I need to pack an overnight bag?”

  “Yeah you better, Dad. Thank you and I love you.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be right there.”

  Elizabeth hung up the phone and looked up at her brother-in-law. “Go pack a bag; I’ll have Ginny get the jet ready and alert Ethan. We’ll be flying out as soon as we hit the airport.”

  “You can’t leave your son. You go back to work on Monday.” Now he felt horrible that the woman who broke her promise was now pulling Elizabeth into the fray too. “Lyzee, I can go on my own.”

  “I’m off this weekend, and maybe we can wrap this up fast and get home by then.” Now she was busy texting her husband. Right now he’d be in a meeting, and he couldn’t take the call. This was important, but the man was already holding up both their positions at FB
I West. This one was on her. “You can’t go on your own. Desdemona is sitting in the center of a big mess, and it’s going to take both of us to find her sister, keep her safe and then get the hell out of there in one piece.”

  “I’m so sorry.” He absolutely was for dragging her into the center of this.

  Elizabeth hugged him and took his face in the palms of her hands. “This isn't your fault, darlin’. Right now, I’m pissed at Desdemona for running headlong into this clusterfuck. This makes me seriously doubt her intelligence. The nutjob wanted her to do this, and she followed through and did exactly the worst possible thing. I get her sister is missing, but she could have come to us, and we already told her we’d help her solve it.”

  “I’m furious with her too,” he admitted, softly. Now, she had just risked his family, because there was no way Elizabeth would ever let him ride into this alone.

  “Don’t worry, Cal. We’ll get this taken care of as quickly as possible.” Elizabeth patted his cheek.

  “I’ll go pack and be right back.” Callen turned to walk away and stopped. “Elizabeth?” he spoke softly, once again unable to look in her eyes. “If you let anything happen to you while we’re there, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  Elizabeth said nothing. All she could hope was that nothing would happen to any of them.

  Now there was too much on the line.

  As soon as he was gone, Elizabeth called Ginny and asked her to call up the jet and book her two rooms at a local hotel. Something told her that Callen was going to be more than a little angry at Desdemona and would want his space. The lines of tension around his mouth were the dead giveaway.

  There was only one thing left to do. It wasn’t official business, but when she called Gabe and told him what was going on, this fell under the favor he owed her.

  She hoped.

  On the third ring he answered his private phone. “What’s wrong, Lyzee?”

  “Remember that favor that you owed me?”

  He paused. It had been over seven months since she brought it up and he assumed the entire mess had worked itself out. “Yes.”

  “Our ME has headed into the snake pit, to find her recently abducted sister. I think the stalker has upped the game. I know it’s not official business, but I have to get there fast.” She told him the rest, including about the note.

  “Take the jet. I’ll cover it for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No one’s found the sister’s body yet?” he asked, calmly. Gabe knew the woman he was talking to had to be worried. Elizabeth wouldn’t leave her child this fast to just go check on an abduction, unless she was expecting worst case scenario.

  “Not yet, Gabe, but I don’t have high hopes.”

  “Tie it to the blown up Denali, and then you can officially make it FBI business, or find me the body. Make it fit the criteria to call in the cavalry, and until then I’ll cover for you and Ethan as best I can.”

  “Thank you, Gabe.”

  “Watch your back, Lyzee, and make sure you come home safe.” Gabe Rothschild had a soft spot in his heart for both Elizabeth and Ethan Blackhawk, more so since he owed her one giant favor. The woman saved his wife, Livy, from a stalker and killer. She handled the situation, so he wouldn’t have to dirty his hands. This favor was nothing in the grand scheme of it all. He had his wife, five daughters and one son, thanks to the woman he called family.

  “I will. I’ll email you later.” She said, running up the stairs to hers and Ethan’s bedroom. Now she had to pack. Elizabeth grabbed her jeans, shorts, t-shirts, swimsuit, sneakers and boots. The weather was going to be hot, it was September in the bayou, and she might need the swimsuit if she had to wade into the swamp to look for a body. She hoped not, but she wasn’t risking her jeans, belt buckle and boots.

  Quickly she changed, pulling on her standard FBI apparel and pulled her Glock from the gun safe in their room. Grabbing her magazine and holster, Elizabeth popped it onto her hip and slid the gun into place. The old familiarity of it gave her a sense of relief against the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  It felt good to be officially back on the job. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the assignment she wanted at that point, but she’d help Callen out no matter what. Then hand Desdemona her ass for committing professional suicide. Then ass kick her one more time for not coming to the family first with the problem, before doing something so boneheaded and now risking them all.

  When she was done packing she headed down the hallway to her son’s nursery and quietly snuck in to kiss him goodbye. He was asleep on his back, thumb in his mouth and soothing himself by sucking gently. “I love you, sweet little boy. Be good for daddy and granddad,” she whispered, kissing him on his chubby little cheek. “Mommy will be home soon.”

  Elizabeth backed out of the room, her eyes filling with tears at the idea she had to leave him so soon. It was one thing to leave to go to work twenty minutes away, but this was hundreds of miles and it rattled her.

  Downstairs, Wyler sat on the couch waiting for her.

  “What’s happening?”

  Elizabeth told him everything before Whitefox returned and could hear her. She broke down all the details and voiced her concern.

  “You’ll keep my boy safe and slap some sense into that woman?”

  Elizabeth hugged the man when he stood and opened his arms. He’d taken a bullet to the chest to protect Timothy, and they almost lost him way too soon.

  “I will Dad,” she answered. He was her surrogate father, since her own was stolen away almost two years ago. “I promise.”

  He tipped her chin up to look him in the eyes. “You make sure you take care of you too, do you hear me Elizabeth?”

  “I do and I will.”

  Just then, Callen walked in, and took in the scene. “Please stay here, Elizabeth. If anything happens to you…” He wasn’t able to finish that thought; it made his stomach roll sickly.

  “Okay, I will if you will.”

  His jaw ticked because he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He promised Desdemona he would help her, even though she broke her promise that didn’t give him the right to do the same. “Lyzee,” he started, trying to find the words.

  “Then I guess you get to saddle up and be my new partner for this one.” Elizabeth offered him her most reassuring smile. “Callen, I’m back from maternity leave. I haven’t forgotten everything I’ve learned. I think I can manage to find the ME, her sister and not get killed in the process. You men have very little faith in me and my crazy mad skills.”

  Callen shook his head. “Okay, I’m ready.” He hugged his father goodbye “Kiss CJ for me and tell him I love him.”

  Elizabeth handed him the keys to her SUV. “Take my car Dad; you know how Ethan is about safety.”

  The man laughed. “I never thought the day would come that I’d be driving my grandson around in a luxury vehicle. Talk about a dream come true. I wonder if I can get a deer in the back…”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Please don’t! That’s my ride. Take you’re your son’s Mustang for that little adventure. Hang the damn legs out the trunk or strap it to the hood.”

  Wyler chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. “Both of you be safe!”

  Something bad was brewing; he could feel it in the winds.

  “Callen, did you pack your swim trunks?” asked Elizabeth, walking out the back door to load their things into his truck parked in Desdemona’s driveway.

  “No why?”

  “In case we have to swim with the gators in the swamp.”

  Whitefox blanched at the idea that he was dragging his brother’s wife into gator infested water to find a woman who lied and had no sense of self-preservation. “Terrific. This entire day is getting better by the moment.”

  * * *

  Elizabeth and Callen rolled into FBI West to get their information before the flight. It was a five minute drive to the airport, and they were on standby until the jet was ready. Walking in, both had serious loo
ks on their faces, as they were met by Ginny holding the dossier for them.

  “Boss, I booked two rooms in a bed and breakfast in the town. There really isn't anything in Cypress Grove along the lines of a hotel, and this was the best accommodations that I could come up within driving distance to Desdemona’s family address.”

  Elizabeth took the papers she held out to her. “We need this kept quiet Ginny. If anyone asks, Callen isn't officially back yet, and I’m on maternity leave until Monday.”

  The woman nodded. “I have all the supplies that Mr. B wanted me to get ready. He’s on the phone with Mr. Rothschild.”

  “Supplies?” asked Whitefox.

  Ginny pointed past them to the chair. There sat the two Kevlar vests and four boxes of re-load bullets for both Glocks, along with replacement magazines.

  “I need one tactical shotgun.” Now she looked over at her brother-in-law. “Do you want a scope for your Glock?”

  “Are we going into a warzone?” he asked, trying to be funny, but not buying it himself.

  Elizabeth looked serious. “The closest FBI office is one hundred miles away from Cypress Grove. Once we go in, we’re on our own. There isn't backup to come in for us.”

  “I really wish you’d stay here.” Now his heart was pounding in his chest. Of all the people in the world he’d risk, Elizabeth wasn’t even on the list, for a myriad of reasons.

  “Good luck with that,” came his brother’s voice from behind them.

  Both turned to see him holding papers in his hand. “The jet is ready. Gabe cleared it and the pilot is going to keep this off the logs, until you can make it FBI business. We can’t both go MIA and not have it suspicious, so I’m in house until you can make it official. Once that happens, I can come in and bring anyone else I need with me.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I need a favor.”

  He lifted an eyebrow, unable to imagine what she’d ask.

  “We’re about to trudge into a swamp in Indian country to find a missing woman. I’d feel better if I had a little more back up. Can you call in Julian Littlemoon?”